Learn NCL

NCL (Nested Context Language) is an XML application language that allows authors to write interactive multimedia presentations. NCL is part of the data coding specifications of the Brazilian Digital Television System (SBTVD). It is the language specification used by the presentation engine of the SBTVD middleware, named Ginga.

With NCL, an author may describe the temporal behavior of a multimedia presentation, associate hyperlinks (user interaction) among media objects, define alternative behaviors for a presentation (adaptation) and describe the layout of a presentation spread among multiple devices.

Use the following hyperlinks to learn more about NCL:

Tutorials (in portuguese)


ITU-T Recommendations

ABNT Standards

  • ABNT provides online visualization of Terrestrial Digital TV Standards.
  • Standards concerning Ginga-NCL have the following identifiers: NBR15606-2 (fixed devices) and NBR15606-5 (portable devices).
  • Click here to obtain access instructions.

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